


First Lady of the Universe


Perfect Female

The esoteric mystics say the World was created through Fatima the Divine Female. Fatima was God’s First Light. Through Fatima all things were made. It was for Fatima that whole Cosmos was established.

"God made Holy Lady the Heart of the Universe." [AO 16 August 2010]

"Fatima is Light of God. Queen of the Cosmos. Divine Veil hides her. She is Salvation. God created Brave and Wise Ali to marry her. She had two sons Hasan and Husain. One daughter Zainab. They saved humanity from Satan. Her Light shines across the Universe. Darkness cannot overpower her. Her Twelve beloved ones are Proof of God on Universe. She is Proof for them. God Blessed the Pure Lady. Seek truth and you will find her. That is promise of God. He is pleased if she is happy. He is angry if she is angry. She is Destiny. She is Fountain. She is Sign of God. Her Feet mark the very Throne of God." [AO 11 March 2011]

May we belong to Light of the Lighted
Lady Most Pure and Nearest of Almighty

[AO 16 March 2011]

Information about the most pure and holiest female Fatima is provided by Western academics including Professor Henry Corbin, and Louis Massignon and Laurence Gailan.

More details are given in on this site.

Please check this page regularly as we add more information every year.

Al Olonzo


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