
Poems 2


Poems by Miss Fatima Ali, (USA)


The Night of the Fifteenth

It is a night of blessings, a night of freedom, a night where Allah grants every desire,
Laylat-ul-Bara’a, in the middle of Sha'ban, is a night which can elevate the momin's soul higher.

The acts for this night are thoughtful and many: salaat, dua, ziyarah and recitation from The Book,
We repeat these acts undoubtedly each year, yet have we ever taken a closer look...

At the blessed words that sit upon our lips, words of Allah and Al-Ma'soomeen that bring tears to the eyes?
When we contemplate their meanings, significance and status, we break all worldly and other ties.

Three times we recite that beautiful Surah, for long life, prosperity and safety from all,
Types of tragic misfortune or calamities which can, upon anyone at anytime descend or fall.

It is the heart of the Quran, that opens with, a name of our Master--the one called Yasin,
And of course this Surah, does mention his brother, that Lion who is called Imam-im-Mubin.

These two cannot be separated you see, for they are two halves of one Light, Perfect and Clear.
So cling to their love on this and every night, as was the Divine calling on the day of Ghadeer.

On this night the doors of forgiveness are open, and blessings, grace, and all goodness--Ihsan.
Open are the gates to Tawbah, repentance, to gain the Pleasure of Allah, the cherished Ridhwan.

We recite Tasbeeh many times over, SubhanAllah, Alhamdolillah, Allaho Akbar we say,
La ilaha illAllah falls off our tongues, as we perform the 'aamal in the prescribed way.

How can I express the important of Tasbeeh: its value is beyond any count or measure,
These short simple phrases are the very keys, to the Almighty Creator's Divine Pleasure.

There is one who was gifted with this Tasbeeh, from Allah through His Prophet it was received,
Raadhiyatul Mardhiya is that Fatima, through her pleasure the Ridhwan of Allah is achieved.

We read a du’a which reflects the peak of 'irfan, every sentence calls out to the Everlasting Light,
The du’a of Khidhr was taught by my Maula, to his companion Kumayl on this very night.

In the Masjid of Basra was Amir-ul-Momineen, it was during sujood that he recited this prayer,
The Perfect ‘Abid, Al-Insaan Al-Kamil, told Kumayl to memorize its words with care.

Am kayfa askunu fin-naari, wa rajaa-i ‘afwuk, hear the words my Amir does profess,
O Allah how can I remain in the fire, when I have hopes of Your forgiveness?

The du’a teaches one to account for oneself, while yearning to reach the Creator Divine.
When taken to heart, and understood with the mind, its Holy words are means for the soul to refine.

The best place to be on this blessed night, is that heaven on Earth, namely, Karbala,
And what a heaven it is, as each and every Prophet, does visit Al-Husayn for his ziyarah.

With the permission of Allah, each Prophet descends, can you imagine the beauty of such a scene?
This is the rank of Sayyid ash-Shuhada, for surely he is the Savior of Allah’s Deen.

Imam Al-Husayn is the protector of Truth, but there is one final Guide for whom we all wait,
Al-Husayn’s son, heir to each Prophet and Imam, is that Awaited Proof of this Path that is Straight.

Centuries ago, in a house, in secrecy, at a time which was neither night nor morn,
That time of fajr, was one in which, this HujjatAllah, Al-Mahdi, was born.

Before his birth, my master spoke, reciting Al-Qadr through his given power,
With the full moon of Sha’ban in the sky above, this surely was a most blessed hour.

After his birth, my noble Lady, Sayyida Hakima, then took him to see,
His father, the Master of that time, Imam Al-Hasan, the one called ‘Askari.

The first words that Al-Mahdi spoke to his father, were these words of Al-’Aziz ul-Hakim,
He began in the name of Allah, of course, stating Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Wa nureedo an namunna ‘alalladheena-stud’ifu fil ardhi; wa naj’alahum aimmatan wa naj’alahumul waritheen. (28:5)
Can you feel the power in this statement?  It is a future vision, for a time foreseen.

And we desire to show favor to those oppressed in the earth, and to make them Imams, and to make them the heirs,
For the chosen of Allah, the righteous proofs and Ma’soom, in that time, the earth will truly be theirs.

This night, therefore has a purpose so great, the last Light emerged to live on this land,
That righteous sun will disperse the clouds, when he is given Allah’s command.

Allahuma bihaqqi laylatina hadhihi wa mauloodiha, we recite the du’a that begins like this,
We ask Allah for His Bounties, Mercy and Protection, and for Him to fulfill that stated Promise.

O Allah for the sake of the night we are now in, and for the sake of he was born in it,
We seek nearness to Allah, through remembrance of His Proof, as we gather together and sit.

This world exists because of our Imam; without a Proof on Earth, the land itself would crumble,
We wait for him to establish justice and honor, just as we wait for the tyrants to tumble.

On this night, do ask your wishes and thoughts, pray for your family and friends, each person in turn,
And also pray for the relief of your nafs, which is only through Al-Mahdi’s fated return.

Katabtu ilayka ya Maulaya, I have written to you my Master, says your areedha, your letter,
Discuss your problems and your condition, and request your Imam to make them better.

My wish is that on this Holy Night, every person should pray for the Imam to reveal,
That secret which is kept in his knowledge, which time and history were meant to conceal.

Only he will show us that location, the grave, the Holy ground where his mother does rest,
Don’t you wish to cover your face with its dirt, as you cry and hit your sunken chest?

Fatima-tuz-Zahra has many secrets, can we even recognize her spiritual rank?
I say, that being her servant is enough, and for this, it is Allah whom I truly thank.

On this Holy Night, of the fifteenth, do any other such nights come to your mind?
Nights spent in worship, and in remembrance, where your destiny is set and defined?

The nights of Qadr and this special night, may be separate, but somehow I am drawn,
to read Surat-al-Qadr and Surat-ad-Dukhan and look at these verses from the Quran:

Inna anzalnaaho fi laylatil qadr: Verily we have sent it down on the Night of Power, we read,
Imam As-Sadiq says one who understands this Night, has understood the mystery concealed in Fatima, indeed.

Inna anzalnaaho fi laylatin mubarakah, Verily we revealed it on a blessed night, says Allah,
And Mubarakah is a name, one of nine that was given, by the Almighty Himself to the blessed Fatima.

One night may have more blessings; one may have more power and control over fate,
But it is Sayyida who is the secret behind, these special nights, no matter the date.

She is the center of Ahlulbayt, the reason for all creation, this is what I state during this Holy Sha’ban,
And to know and share more of her Holy Essence, is my duty for this coming Shahru Ramadhan... ... ...

-Fatima Ali

6 May 2011

~For Maulaati SA [My Blessed Master Lady] , so that I never forget your pain, and the pain of all your family~

O Allah! Particularly curse the first tyrant, a curse from me, and begin the first curse with him, and then send the curse on the second... (Ziyarat ul-'Ashura)


There was one who walked the earth, the best of men from first to last,
The trees, rocks and sun obeyed him, and never was his shadow cast,
He spoke the Truth and was Trusted, holding the Secrets of the past,
He knew events of the future, his 'ilm was thus so very vast.

Muhammad; Mustafa: The Chosen; As-Sadiq; Al-Amin,
The Prophet; Rasool: Messenger of Allah; Taha (20:1); Yasin (36:1),
Muhammad he was, as were his heirs first, last and between,
For us he left these twelve, Az-Zahra and Al-Kitab Al-Mubin.

The Holy Prophet's second heir resembled him in every way,
Son of Amir al-Momineen, his beauty shined like the sun's ray,
The faithful flocked to see him, to gaze at his holy face by day,
And then remained near, to hear the precious words he would say.

Al-Hasan he was, first born of the union of Light,
His birth was a blessed day, as his house was a blessed site,
The Holy members of this house would fast by day, remaining awake at night,
While thanking their Lord and Sustainer, Lord of All Mercy, Lord of All Might.

Al-Hasan was the Prophet's mirror, and yet there was another,
Who was the Prophet's image, the son of Al-Hasan's brother,
'Ali was this youth and Zahra was his grandmother,
The Prophet, he, and his uncle, shared looks, speech and walk like no other.

He was 'Ali Al-Akbar, the valiant son of Husayn,
Who fought against the wicked in Karbala's fateful plain,
Evil had no mercy, it was as if the Prophet was slain,
When 'Ali was killed, the Imam's heart and soul were in pain.

Al-Hasan and Al-Akbar were the Prophet's reflections as heard,
But have we thought to recognize that there is also a third,
There is one final image, he is Allah's remaining Word,
His return is still awaited; its time has not occurred.

Baqiyatullah (11:86) the Quran names him, by Allah, The Wise,
He is as the sun behind the clouds, watching the earth and skies,
The faithful believers young and old pray for him to rise,
But while he is hidden from their sight, tears of longing fill their eyes.

Imam Al-Hasan, 'Ali Al-Akbar, and Imam Al-Qaem make three,
Three perfect prophetic images from the Prophet's own progeny,
The Holy Prophet's precious sons, or call them sons of 'Ali,
Then no wonder it is that Al-Qaem, is Allah's final wali!

These four similar faces indeed pose a unique case,
To see the strength of their bond, we should begin a historical trace,
And find that the Prophet and Al-Hasan were distanced by time and space,
From that day in Karbala, when the greatest tragedy took place.

It was 'Ali Al-Akbar who was blessed, with the gift to be near,
To his father, the Holy Imam-- this much history is clear,
As the light of his father's eyes, the Hashimi youth was so dear,
This grandson of Asadallah met his death without any fear.

There the martyrs' bodies lay, while to the heavens their souls had flown,
Al-Akbar departed from the earth and the Imam then stood alone,
Al-Husayn fought for Haqq and Deen, slaying hypocrites on his own,
Until that moment when his Light, returned to where it had first shone.

The Holy Prophet and Al-Hasan were separated from that land,
Al-Akbar fought to defend this father, until he fell upon that sand,
That holy ground is one upon which Al-Qaem is left to stand,
To fulfill the title of Muntaqim, The Avenger-- by Allah's Command.

Sahib-uz-Zaman, Al-Qaem, Al-Mahdi: these are among the titles were call,
Our Maula, The Awaited Savior and Avenger, there are too many to name them all,
Know that those who accept his Wilayah, have no fear when they falter or fall,
For the Imam, through the Will of Allah, does guide ours souls and stand us tall.

With his rising, the twelfth Imam will accomplish what no other could,
With the Prophet's image, and ‘Ali’s Dhulfiqar, his task is surely understood,
Cleansing the world of injustice and evil, while enjoining the people towards good,
Al-Mahdi will surely inherit the earth, just as The Book promised he would (28:5).

That future is near, but what of right now, with every passing day and week?
Where does our Master walk and pray, and in what land does he sit and speak?
The faithful long to see their Imam, to receive the answers that they seek,
For without his image in their presence, this world looks so very bleak.

The truth is that we are aware, of at least one special daily deed,
This noble act of the Imam, is coupled with the wajibaat of our creed,
Be it a day of mourning, wiladah, or any day, even an 'eid,
Our Master and Ruler of our Time, does grieve for his father, the Greatest Shaheed.

In Ziyarat An-Nahiya Al-Mahdi does greet, the one whose body tasted the spears,
He greets the one who was oppressed, yet who saved Islam while having no fears,
The one for whom the heavens wept, and for whom the people have cried for years,
He sends his salaam upon Al-Husayn, while crying with blood instead of with tears.

If we glance at the mustahab acts, that our Imam has repeatedly stressed,
We will find a ziyarah for Al-Husayn, which has a station above all the rest,
From Allah to Jibrail, to Rasoolallah---a chain so blessed,
Are these words of salaam to the One---who was given the ultimate test.

Ziyarat ul-’Ashura is that visitation, which does so eloquently define,
What it means to love, what is tawalla, and how to walk upon that line,
Inni silmun li man saalamakum, hear the words of the Divine,
To be recited on the day of ‘Ashura, under the sky, while facing the shrine.

I am at peace with those who make peace with you, this is the oath that we take,
An oath of tongue, followed by action, which distinguishes the momin from the fake,
It is a pledge of the heart, mind, body and soul, one that we cannot forsake,
For it is Allah, and Al-Ma’soomeen who are witness to this vow we make.

Wa harbun li man haarabakum; look how easily my Lord does teach,
The essence of tabarra, that no Divine Mercy or Favors will reach,
Those who harm Ahl ul-bayt--this is the Truth that we must preach,
That Allahumal’an is a du’a, a Divinely given way to beseech.

I at am war with those who make war with you: people say these words spread hate,
But I reply that these are words of Allah, The Just, The Greatest of the Great,
Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn lead the youth in the Heavens, about this there is no debate,
Then how can those who oppressed and killed them, be allowed to enter its Holy Gate?

Kullo yaumin ‘Ashura wa kullo ardhin Karbala, this is the slogan we declare,
That ‘Ashura is everyday and Karbala is everywhere,
But we know ‘Ashura was a day, to which no other can compare,
Then how can we use these words today, is it even right or is it fair?

The truth is that this world contains, injustice and corruption by those in power,
The oppressed and innocents are subjugated, while over them the Yazids do tower,
This is the reality of our slogan, in the modern day, with each passing hour,
Until the arrival of Al-Mahdi, by the Blessings that Allah will shower.

But there is another truth in these words, one that perhaps time did conceal,
When I hear our slogan shouted out, I imagine how the twelfth Imam does feel,
As he waits for that ‘Ashura to dawn, the predicted day when he will reveal,
His presence to the world’s people, while before the Ka’aba he will pray and kneel.

So with each ‘Ashura that comes to pass, when the faithful gather together and shove,
Every worldly issue aside--and take a moment to glance at the sky above,
They envision that day when blood poured from that sky, thanking Allah that they are part of,
Those who remember that sacrifice; those whose chests are stained with that love.

We strive to keep the message alive, while the Husayni spirit and love does seep,
Through every pore and cell in our bodies; it is not merely our eyes that weep,
Verily the love for Sayyid ash-Shuhada, and ‘Ashura’s remembrance runs deep,
And with this, there is an important image, that in our minds, we should surely keep.

We hold the image of that day: evil’s large army and the Imam’s noble few,
We picture thirst, dried tongues and lips, and Al-Furat guarded by Yazid’s crew,
We see the Hashimi Moon ‘Abbas, and his severed arms---to the ground they flew,
And the youngest shaheed--we see his soft neck, pierced by the arrow Hurmala threw.

We see each warrior stand, then fall-- until welcomed by Heaven’s Lighted Door,
Each brave one gave his life and soul, for Allah and Truth in this epic war,
How can I recount the events of that day, with such a tragedy not seen before?
This Greatest Sacrifice (37:107) of Al-Husayn, shook the universe, to its very core.

But the one image that I hold so close, is that of Al-Akbar in Karbala,
His presence and face is of Imam Al-Hasan, just as it of Rasoolallah,
He does indeed carry the name of ‘Ali, and is a youth like Fatima,
So as he stands before Al-Husayn, he represents those four of Ahl al-Kisa.

Al-Akbar embodied those four Lights; protecting Al-Husayn, the fifth and last one,
Until that spear tore through his chest, and his time of fighting was clearly done,
When my Imam removed the blade of the spear, I believe his greatest pain had begun,
For I believe he saw those Holy four, in the beautiful face of his martyred son.

My madhloom Imam was the last who stood; and then was attacked by the worst,
Shimr and his gang of munafiqeen, had no care for my Master’s thirst,
They slaughtered the Holy One like a ram; in all of Earth’s history, this was a first,
And so logic says this is the reason, why Yazid and his troops are Divinely cursed.

Yaum ul-’Ashura was the last day, when Earth hosted the fifth of the Holy Five,
‘Ali ibn Al-Husayn was the next Imam; through Allah’s Plan, he was still alive,
The fourth Imam and his seven sons, each visited Karbala, but they could not strive,
To avenge their father; and so they wait, for their final son’s image to arrive.

Imam Al-Baqir, As-Sadiq, Al-Kadhim: let us now name those Ma’soom,
Al-Ridha, Al-Jawad, Al-Hadi, Al-’Askari; don’t you believe that each visits the tomb,
Of Imam Al-Husayn in Karbala, to smell Deen’s Savior’s Divine perfume,
That scent of Light which does attract, the believers--like bees to a flower’s bloom.

Thus when I state kullo yaumin ‘Ashura, there is an image that I hold,
Wa kullo ardhin Karbala; it is not just a slogan, but a guideline, bold,
That the ziyarah to Karbala is among the great, acts that our Ma’soomeen have told,
It is one of the most precious gifts, that we must strive for and behold.

Every Ma’soom does visit Karbala, every Prophet and Imam, and noble one between,
The angels fly down and send their salaam, upon the son of Muhammad, who saved His Deen.
The Imam’s tomb is a piece of Heaven, his Ziyarah is the Ziyarah of Allah, I mean,
To say, this is what ahadeeth have told us, that Al-Husayn’s shrine is like no other scene.

Karbala’s history consumes our thoughts; we gather together and cry and shout,
With its story we feel the passion, for Al-Husayn that will never fade out,
But with its remembrance, in these times, we should also always think about,
Al-Husayn’s Son and Avenger, whom this world cannot live without.

Let the weepers weep, says Du’a An-Nudba, so cry in the morning or in the eve,
And when you recall the events of that day, remember that with you, your Imam does grieve,
In Ghaybat al-Kubra there is a veil, between you and your Master, that you may perceive,
But both your hearts are in Karbala, and from there your souls do never leave.

So in writing these words, I state there is, no single object that can distract,
Me from remembering ‘Ashura, for with Allah and Ma’soomeen is my pact,
To recite Ziyarat al-’Ashura each day; to keep Karbala’s image in my mind intact,
While praying to see Muhammad’s last image, for to serve him would be the greatest act.

My body has been to Karbala but once; for a few days in that land I did roam,
I have not yet been there for Yaum al-’Ashura, but instead was there on another yaum,
But no matter the day, and no matter the place--Karbala, a masjid, or even my home,
Ziyarat ul-’Ashura does always bring me, face to face with the image of my Imam’s golden dome.

-Fatima Ali


The Grand Visitation

The Grand Visitation

All Praise is for that Lord of Mercy, Allah who has blessed us in every way,
For we again stand witness here; as the night of Qadr has come today,
The 'aamal and noble deeds are many, so prepare your bodies and your soul,
As you are guests of Allah tonight; in this feast do fill your roohani bowl.  

As I approached this best of nights, one stirring thought did come to mind,
The greatest days and nights are such, that they hold one secret intertwined,
Whether 'Ashura, Arba'een, the middle of Sha'ban or the days of 'Eid,
And also on this night of course--there is one special, recommended deed.

One place, a single piece of earth, the most treasured land in the east or west,
Is where we should be on these Holy days; these moments which are the most blessed,
Do you know why you are here today, in your masjid, or town, as you walk and roam?
You are only here because you have, been distanced from your soul's true home.

A Divine Feast, is this night of Qadr, as Allah extends an invitation,
You accept and partake in the blessings, as your head bows in prostration,
While you pray on this Grand Night, or other Holy times in the year,
Recognize the truth of these marked days, that Allah and His Chosen have made so clear.

These days and nights, whether of pain or virtue, do share a bond that all can see,
We strengthen our faith as we do pledge, our submission to Allah and our loyalty,
To those who are the most sincere servants, the perfect creations and the leaders of Light,
Do you wish to know the soul's home I spoke of? If so, then think back to THAT epic fight.

On that day of pain, the most pure blood, was shed upon that certain land,
And we now pray upon that earth; we all have held its grains of sand,
It was the day when Haqq had won; when you speak of it, you feel the tears,
That fall upon your cheeks like rain, you have felt this pain for all your years.

What is that home and where must we be? Remember that we are all from Allah,
And on this night, and others so Holy, the soul's home is only one, Imam Husayn's Karbala,
Can you understand the most beautiful Plan? Allah, with the eyes, can never be seen,
But on Laylatul Qadr, as guests of Allah, Allah commands us to visit the Savior of Deen.

The Ziyarah of Karbala, cannot be explained, its rank is beyond any words we can speak,
Just know that this act, this grand visitation, is such that all creatures, its blessings do seek,
The angels, all Prophets, and the Holiest Lights, all travel to visit that ground so Divine,
And each sends salaam upon Al-Husayn, Sayyid ash-Shuhada, in his Holy Shrine.

On the night of Qadr, high above on the 'Arsh, an angel, by the command of Allah does declare,
That Allah has forgiven the zawwar of Husayn--but remember that a za-ir must be truly aware,
Of the essence of Deen, as taught by the one, he who gave all in the greatest sacrifice (37:107),
Thus listen to the words of the Holy Ones on this Night, the Ziyarah is not only a pledge, but advice.

As salaamu 'alayka yabna rasoolillah, peace be upon the son of Rasoolallah, the great, 
As salaamu 'alayka yabna amir-il-momineen, peace be upon the son of Amir ul-Momineen, we state,
As salaamu 'alayka yabna siddiqati-tahira, peace be upon the son of the Truthful, Immaculate One,  
Fatimata sayyidati nisa il-'aalameen, the leader of all women of all the worlds; Al-Husayn is of course, Fatima's Holy son.

As salaamu 'alayka ya maulaya, we send our greetings to our master, heartfelt and true,
Ya aba 'abdillah, wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatahu, O Aba 'Abdillah, may the Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you,
We bear witness that you established the prayers, Ash-hadu annaka qad aqamtas-salaat,
And indeed that you paid that which purifies, the poor-rate you gave, Wa aatayta zakaat.

We do stand and testify, Wa amarta bil ma'roof, that you enjoined what was good and right,
Wa nahayta 'an il-munkar, and that you forbade all that was, evil and wrong in Allah's sight,
You recited the book with the right that it holds, Wa talawtal kitaba haqqa tilaawati,
And for Allah you did strive, in that perfect jihad, Wa jaahadta filllahi haqqa jihadihi.

Wa sabarta 'alal adha fi janbihi, all troubles, you faced, with patience for Allah's sake,
Muhtasiban, hatta ataakal yaqeen, until you returned to your Maker, who did make,
These first few words that we recite, are statements of Haqq, and our love, tawalla,
But to be a za-ir of Imam Al-Husayn, we dissociate from his enemies, we engage in tabarra.

We bear witness that those who dissented and fought, Wash-hadu annal-ladheena khaalafooka wa haarabook,
And indeed those who let you down and killed you, Walladheena khadhalook, walladheena qatalook
Mal'oonoona 'ala lisaanin nabiy-yil ummi, by the tongue of the Prophet, they have been cursed,
Wa qad khaaba man iftaraa, and indeed those who lie are the losers and the worst.

La'an allaho dhaalimeena lakum, we ask Allah to send His curse, upon all those who have wronged you,
Min al-awwaleena wal akhireen, those wicked of the past are cursed, and the ones in the present too,
Wa dhaa'afa 'alayhim ul-'adhaab al-aleem, we also ask Allah to increase their torment,
For those who harmed the Proof of Allah on earth, have no excuse, nor a single argument.

If we study the ziyarah---we can find, four parts or stages of proclamation,
We first send salaam, upon our Maula, he who has a rank of the highest station,
Next we state his lofty fadha-il, those qualities and deeds of Imam al-Husayn,
That place him as the Master of all of the Martyrs; as he is the heir to Prophethood's chain.

The third stage of course, cannot be neglected, for this is an ultimate test of our faith,
May may claim to love Al-Husayn, but true love, does mean that his enemies you must hate,
Dissociate--stay away--from all actions of those, why fought against or were opposed to your Imam,
Or else you will be included in the ones, cursed by the Prophet, like the khalifa of Shaam.

And now the last stage comes upon your lips, this is your personal pledge, so sincere, 
The essence of the act of ziyarah is stated, as you stand and speak these words with a tear,
Ataytuka ya maulaya, yabna rasoolillah, I have to come to you, O my Master, O the son of Rasoolallah,
Pay attention to the words that follow as they are, the heart's cries and promise, to the Imam and to Allah. 

I have come for your ziyarah, fully aware of your rights, Zaa-iran 'arifan bihaqqik,
And my loyalty is to those who are loyal to you, Muwaaliyan li-awliyaa-ik,   
Mu'aadiyan li-a'adaa-ik, and to your enemies, I declare that I am hostile, 
I renounce them, Ya Maula, forever--and not merely for a while.

Mustabsiran bil hudal-lladhee anta 'alayh, I am attentive to that guidance which you had made known,
'Arifan bi-dhalaalati man khaalafak, and I recognize that those who opposed you have been shown,
To be ones of wrong, those who have deviated, I make this promise, as your grave I face toward,
Fashfa'lee 'inda rabbik, Ya Husayn, so please speak, on my behalf to your Lord.

The shafa' of Husayn is not a small matter, do you see now the workings of the Grandest Design?
We must recognize our Imam, through his Holy Works, and then our actions with his should align,
Salaat is that love and obedience to Allah, while zakaat does make the community better,
Amr bil ma'roof and nahi 'anil munkar, are codes of conduct to follow, letter by letter.

The quest to promote truth, in every shape and form, is that ultimate struggle, the essential jihad,
With patience you must handle, the difficulties that come, while opposing all oppressors, like Ibn Ziyad,
This is the ziyarah, these are the words, which we state in this Holiest Night in Ramadhan,
And the goal for the servant of Aba 'Abdillah, is to reach the Pleasure of Allah, that treasured Ridhwan.

Have you understood the heart of the matter? Why must we come to Karbala and its door?
Allah has chosen Imam Al-Husayn, as the example for all--those of now and before,
The one who seeks to understand Karbala, and what role my Imam, has in the earth and the skies,
That momin will enter, this Holy Night as one, who has tears of Haqq flowing from his eyes.

You seek forgiveness and guidance, pray for family and friends, and yet there is one more noted act,
If your Master is Sayyid ash-Shuhada then you must, pray for the Faraj, for this is a fact.
All of creation, including Imam Al-Husayn, does wait for that call, in that unknown year,
When Imam al-Mahdi, the last Son of Truth, will be commanded by Allah to appear.

If this night belongs to Allah, as the Host, then Baqiyatullah is the one who does serve,
Kulli amr on this night descends on his heart, as indeed he waits and he does observe,
Pray for his relief, for yours and for mine, for that day to arrive soon, and with ease,
Allahuma 'ajjil waliyyik al-faraj, this prayer should be among our passionate pleas.

And how can one begin that Holiest Night, without naming the owner of every momin's heart?
From Imam Al-Husayn, and Imam Al-Hujjah, this name can never separate or depart,
The tafseer of Laylatul Qadr is that One, to whom Allah has given the power to Rule,
The One who distinguishes Haqq from Batil, with whom Allah is Pleased, the Light of our school.

Above all, when you pray for your own soul and rank, in this night, but also--any time of the year, 
Remember that the pleasure of Allah is achieved, if the love of that Light, you keep ever near,
As you pray, read Quran, recite du'a and salaat, do seek your salvation on Yaum-ul-Qiyamah,
While realizing that this night--better than a thousands months, belongs to your Queen, Sayyida Fatima.

-Fatima Ali
Ramadhan 1433
August 2011

Ziyarah of Imam al-Husayn to be recited on Laylatul Qadr, recited by the khuddaam of Imam Husayn's haram (daily):


Imagined Letter

These are only, some words imagined, a heartfelt letter to that dearest one,
Thoughts of a nephew, for his beloved uncle, an out pour of emotion, from a most holy son.

A reflected pain, we do contemplate, as history seemingly did not have a chance,
To witness the meeting of these blessed two, so let us provide, a somewhat thoughtful glance.

O uncle, O brother of my father, says one, let me narrate to you, one tragic tale,
My father did seek to reform the ummah; for like a wilted flower, it was so frail.

A revolution and push of life was needed, Divine guidance and energy of the strongest kind,
To revert the ummah, toward virtue and deen, to restore the purity of its sunken mind.

A noble cause, this was indeed; as a call to Haqq was its ultimate goal,
The deen of Muhammad is perfect, without flaw, but the people had become, more hardened than coal.

Thus my father with his few, embarked on a journey, facing the enemies on the fated, far land,
The arrows were shot and the horses did charge--while their kicks did raise up, that crying sand.

One by one, the noble men moved forward; in age there were both the young and the old,
The battles ensued, and the sky testified, to the tragedy which The Chosen had foretold.

Al-'Abbas, Al-Qasim, 'Ali al-Akbar and more, each did meet his earthly fate without fear,
For to them, the mirage of this dunya was nothing, as Al-Akhirah was the awaited frontier.

Death is no tragedy for it is that awakening, true life begins when the eyes here do close,
The tragedy was, the wickedness of the enemies: immorality, hypocrisy and how they could oppose...

The proof of Allah on this delicate earth; did they not know that without Him, it would certainly crumble?
But they did not hesitate in slaughtering Him; while the Imam, even his final breath was so humble.

He fought as the leader of the Straightest Path, its savior He was, the greatest shaheed,
For through Him, religion was crystallized in a way, by his sacrifice the world does know of Tawheed.

On that day however, another savior emerged, before the shahadah of Imam al-Husayn,
A soldier armed with neither weapons nor words, was subjected to an unspeakable pain.

A child of six months, for what crime was he killed? Surely he could not, have committed some treason.
The chain of command of that shameless army--they killed him with planning, but what was the reason?

One long and sharp arrow had pierced that small neck, a neck so soft, as if it was a feather,
His last breath ascended, then he was to join, the shuhada in the heavens; they would all be together.

But why is this one a savior of deen? It is most clear for those eyes, which desire to see...
For only that evil, could kill such a child, the type which has not a shred of humanity.

And so the universe, especially those who were present, would know that Al-Asghar was brutally killed,
By beasts who were heartless, those without morals; the innocent blood was unjustly spilled.

Thus history will know, until that end which awaits, that batil did murder the angelic young child,
And so Haqq must be with, this purest one, who uttered not a word, he had only smiled.

The students of history and each one of faith, for them what more proof or evidence is needed?
A thirsty young baby, one without sin, by Yazid's army, how was this faultless one treated?

Call him the Distinguisher, the one for whom, any heart will feel both love and compassion,
The ones who denied water, and the shooter of the arrow, did they not act in such a cruel fashion?

Hence it is known, that truth, right and shahadah, to Al-Asghar do most surely belong,
While the ones who cared not, for his thirst or his life, they--without doubt--were the doers of wrong.

And yet there is another, a child so pure, his tragedy has no equal in time or in space,
The air of this world, he did not breathe, and no one was blessed to his smiling face.

In the Holiest womb, of Purity, of Light, this one had grown and lived for a time,
Until the dark day emerged, the door was lit, and the attack occurred--the most profound crime.

The fire had spread, the door became weak, while behind it did stand, the Queen of the veil,
The door was kicked in; do you remember the whips, the cries, broken ribs, the blood and the nail?

Yes, the nail that pierced through that one--was it to blame for the loss of the precious young life?
Or was it the pressure of the heavy falling door, or the hits from the swords, that stabbed like a knife?

Reflect on the words of the Holiest Prophet, "Fatima is a part of me," He did say,
Then those accursed ones, with fire in hand, how will they answer, Him on That Day?

This is the essence--any answer is useless, for they had seen and heard Haqq, and yet still denied,
The rights of the Loved Ones, and ignored their status; for this treachery they will absolutely be tried.

Think back now to the origin of pain, 'Ashura was a day like no other and yet,
The martyrs of Karbala, their own sadness and grief, was held in a memory, which none could forget.

The day in Madina, when a growing light did fade, this day marked the episode of the deepest pain,
Every Prophet, Imam, shaheed and righteous one, feels uncountable grief, for the one who was slain.

Bring yourself forward to Karbala and its noon, Al-Asghar in thirst and the despicable act,
While under the sky, and in the arms of his father, the baby was shown no mercy, and attacked.

The infant shaheed, the most young 'Ali, the suckling servant of All Mighty Allah,
This is how we remember that son, each time we relive the day of 'Ashura.

But never forget that there was one more, fifty years earlier a son of 'Ali,
Was killed by the oppressors, he was the first, martyred Holy son of the Prophet's family.

And now I envision that conjured letter of love, words of the nephew, for his uncle so dear,
Have you identified, these two noble ones? Both have a history, that is written with tears.

If we could give voice to that nephew one time, I feel that his precious thoughts would declare,
I am Al-Asghar, the son of Husayn, 'Abdullah, the servant of Allah, I do swear.

But do not name me as the youngest shaheed, nor was I the one who distinguished Truth from falsehood,
For that honor and legacy belong to the one, whose mother was crushed by that door as she stood.

I salute you, my uncle, the most innocent one, we shuhada send salaam from Holy Karbala,
Ya Mohsin, son of Zahra, you are the Distinguisher--but how and where can the faithful, perform your ziyarah?


17 December 2012
Bismillahir rahmanir raheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu,

We are gathered today to commemorate and shed light upon the life, martyrdom and impact of one unique personage in human history. Imam al-Husayn, peace be upon him, in the eyes of those whom adhere to the path of Ahlulbayt, the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, needs no introduction. As the younger of the two grandsons of the Holy Prophet through his daughter Lady Fatima and cousin Imam Ali, Imam al-Husayn is one whose legacy dominates the hearts and minds of millions worldwide. His titles are reminders of his esteemed rank, as evidenced by scholars from both within and outside the Shi'a school of thought. He is Sayyid ush-Shuhada, the Master of all Martyrs, Abul Ahraar, the father of freedom and Sayyidu shabab il ahlil jannah, the Leader of the youth of Paradise alongside his brother Imam al-Hasan, peace beupon them. He was privileged to have been raised in the Holy Household of the Prophet, the house of revelation. His mother was unmatched inher purity, and his father had no equal in the Ummah, the Muslim nation which developed in seventh century Arabia. From a young age, he accompanied his respected grandfather on notable occasions both amongst the Muslim population and in front of non-Muslim delegations. Above all, he is remembered for his sacrifice on the plains of Karbala in the year 680--that day of 'Ashura, the tenth of the month of Muharram, where he and his small band of family and companions faced an army of thousands in an epic stand of righteousness versus corruption and immorality.

Imam al-Husayn is all of this, and yet he is so much more. Words fail to describe the rank he holds not only within Islamic thought, but in the realm of human intellectual and moral history as well. His unyielding stance against the tyrant of his time, and his refusal tobow under pressure, are among the reasons why leaders of conscience throughout history have looked to his personality for guidance. Even with this reverence however, many of us have committed an injustice to his memory. In our focus on his martyrdom and sacrifice, or our narrations of the final week of his earthly life, leading up to and including that fated battle, we have neglected to emphasize his ultimate aim: to uphold the values and ideals of pure Islamic monotheism as taught by the Holy Quran and the traditions of his blessed grandfather the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. Each calculated step of Imam al-Husayn's life was directly in adherence to the cause of Islam; he, like his brother, father and grandfather before him, sought to revert society to the highest level of moral, social, ethical and spiritual values. He desired to remind the people of their status as servants and creations of the Divine, to uphold each clause of justice, and ultimately, to awaken humanity from the shackles of ignorance, and to reform the hearts and souls of the people. This is the message of Islam: it is a means of self-reform, a continuous revolt against any and all evil influences, and a return to the cognition, to that intimate awareness of the Divine. And this is the beauty and miracle of Imam al-Husayn. He is one who recognized his Creator even in his final moments after witnessing the killing of his family and companions. He is the flag of guidance because every breath and step of his life leads one toward pure worship of Allah, and away from idolizing anything or anyone else. He is the exemplar of a perfect servant of the Allmighty, one who could never pledge allegiance to a corrupt and oppressive tyrant.

And thus Husayn is the embodiment of freedom--that freedom to worship Allah and nothing of this world. Husayn is the father of justice. Husayn is the ray of light and hope for each who seeks to rise against the corrupt, and it is for this reason that even after a thousand years, his name still echoes worldwide. Husayn, indeed, is the essence of love for the Allmighty Creator. If the first 70 years of Islamic history were shaded by the pure teachings and character of Prophet Muhammad and his spiritual successors, Imam Ali and Imam al-Hasan, then the following nearly 1400 years are graced by the legacy colored with the name of Imam al-Husayn. If the notion of justice still exists, and the worship of the Divine is practiced even today, it is due to that grand gesture, the stand of this righteous leader of humanity.

Alhamdolillahil ladhee hadaana li hadha, wa ma kunna li nahtadiya lowla an hadaan-allah.
All Praise is for Allah who has guided us to this, for surely we could never have found guidance if Allah did not guide us. Imam al-Husayn is that pathway toward guidance, the one whose memory, speech and actions bring us toward our Creator. May we all be able to understand the lofty station and significance, of each moment in the life of Imam al-Husayn, peace be upon him.

Wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.
-Fatima Ali (December 16th, 2012)


Let the eyes that weep for the Holiest Ones, never weep for a cause in this lower dunya,
Let the eyes that weep for Zahra and her sons, be eyes in whose vision is only Allah,
Let the eyes that weep for Muhammad and Ali, never glance at haram nor take part in a crime,
Let these eyes, Ya Allah, be amongst those, who have sight--and do not weaken with time.

Let the ears that have heard the Adhaan and Iqamah, never hear nor engage in ghina, any song,
Let the ears that still hear the cries of Hal Min, know that to Husayn they do surely belong,
Let the ears that have heard any word of du'a, never reject the plea of a person in pain,
Let these ears, Ya Allah, be amongst those, who listen--to each one in the Most Divine Chain.

Let the tongue that has recited words of Allah, never turn away from the purest Tawheed,
Let the tongue that has praised His Holy Fourteen, only speak words that are part of His Creed,
Let the tongue that has whispered, to the Creator in secret, only take His Beloved as a leader and Wali,
Let this tongue, Ya Allah, be amongst those, who declare--they adhere to the Wilayah of Ali.

Let the hands that raise for Takbeer each day, never seek any favor from an unjust one,
Let the hands that touch, the Ka'aba and Lighted Shrines, remember the path of each Noble Son,
Let the hands that fall to the chest, with passion, be ready to assist the Awaited Imam,
Let these hands, Ya Allah, be amongst those, who serve not evil, but only Islam.

Let the feet that walk from Safa to Marwah, strive to relive its history, and understand,
Let the feet that travel bayn-al-haramayn, be purified by Karbala's incomparable sand,
Let the feet that rise for prayer, remember, that salaat marked by thirst, and the enemies' spears,
Let these feet, Ya Allah, be amongst those, who follow his legacy, throughout all their years.

Let the mind that believes in Usool and Furooh, never be led, on a path false or astray, 
Let the mind that submits to Allah and his Prophet, seek the Quran, and its knowledge each day,
Let the mind that does hold the Twelve Shining Lights, never bow to any--except the Creator, Divine,
Let this mind, Ya Allah, be amongst those, whose head on That Day, will emit Noor and will shine.

Let the heart that does feel that very first pain, never quit grieving, the day of fire and the nail,
Let the heart that holds, Islam in its core, keep that Queen--the Radiant--as its beat, without fail,
Let the heart that is fueled by blood, forever--remember who was on each side of that door,
Let this heart, Ya Allah, be amongst those, who is filled with the love, of Fatima evermore.

-Fatima Ali

7th Safar 1434


Kamil az-Ziyarat, Chapter 108, Hadith Number 11---(My favorite lines in bold)

Muhammad ibn 'Abdillah Ja'far Al-Himyari narrated to me from his father, from 'Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Salim, from Muhammad ibn Khalid, from 'Abdillah ibn Hammad Al-Basri, from Abdillah ibn 'Abdil Rahman Al-Asan, from Hammad ibn 'Uthman, who said:

Abu Abdillah (Imam Sadiq) said:
When the Prophet was taken to the heavens on his journey (at night), he was told, "Verily Allah, the Blessed and the Exalted, will test you with three afflictions to see how patient you will be."

The Prophet replied, "I submit to Your command, O Lord. And I have no power to stay patient except through You. What are the three tests?"

He was told, "The first (test) is hunger and giving preference to the needy over yourself and your family."

The Prophet replied, "I have accepted, O Lord. I am pleased (with Your Will) and I submit to it, and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told: "The second (test) is that you will be belied and you will be in extreme fear (for your life). You should spend your wealth, your blood, and your soul fighting against the people of disbelief, you should remain patient when you wll be harased by the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and you should remain patient when you will be hurt and wounded in battles."

The Prophet replied, "I have accepted, O Lord. I am pleased (with Your Will) and I submit to it, and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told, "The third test is that your family will be killed after you. As for your brother, 'Ali, your nation will slander and rebuke him, they will be violent with him, they will deprive him and usurp his rights, they will oppress him, and finally they will kill him."

The Prophet replied, "I have accepted, O Lord. And I am pleased (with Your Will), and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told: "As for your daughter, she will be oppressed and deprived, and the rights which you gave her will be usurped. She will be beaten while she is pregnant, her sanctity will be breached, and her house will be entered without permission. Then she will be humiliated and disrespected. She will find no protector, she will suffer from a miscarriage because she will be beaten, and she will die as a result of that beating."

The Prophet replied, "Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return' (2:156). I have accepted, O Lord and I submit to it (Your Will), and I seek success and patience with You."

He was told, "She will have two sons from your brother. One of whom your nation will loot, stab, and kill unfaithfully."

The Prophet replied, "Surely we are Allah's and to Him we shall surely return' (2:156). I have accepted, O Lord and I submit to it (Your Will), and I seek success with You for being patient."

He was told: "As for her second son, your nation will invite him for Jihad but then they will kill him while he will be helpless. They will also kill his children and his family members who will be with him and they will loot his women. He will ask for help from Me but I have already willed his martydom and the martydom of those with him.

His killing will be a decisive argument against everyone in the creation. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earths will weep and lose patience over him. And the angels, who will not be able to help him, will cry over him. 

However, I shall raised a man from his progeny whose shadow is will me under the Throne and through whom I shall support him (Husain). He will fill the earth with justice and equity. The fear from him will travel with him and he will kill so many that people will doubt him."

The Prophet replied, "Surely we are Allah's."

Then he was told, "Raise your head."

Imam added: 
The Prophet said: "I looked up and saw a man who looked and smelled better than all people. He had a blessed visage and he was wearing clothes made of light. Light was emanating from his forehead, from over him, and from under him. He was surrounded by several angels who could not be counted except by Allah, the Great and Almighty."

Then I asked him to approach me. He came close to me and kissed my forehead.
I said: "O Lord! Who will this man avenge and for whom will he show his anger and for what reason have you prepared these angels?! You have informed me about that which will be afflicted upon my family. You can support them against their oppressors if You will. You have promised victory for me and my family and I await the fulfillment of Your promise. 

Verily I have accepted and am pleased with Your Will and I submit to it, and I seek success and help from You to be pleased and patient. 

I was told: "As for your brother, he will enter the "garden of abode as residence" (32:19) for staying patient. On the Day of Resurrection, I shall establish him as an argument on the creation and I shall authorize him to stand by your Pool (the Pool of Kawthar) where he will distribute water to your friends and prevent your enemies from drinking from it. I will make Hell cool and safe for him so that he can enter it and bring out anyone who has even an atom of love for you. I will make all of you (the Ahlul Bayt) dwell at the same level in Paradise.

As for your son, who will be abandoned and killed, and your other son, who will be betrayed and killed while he will be helpless, I will decorate My Throne with them for having suffered from the afflictions which befell them (in their lives), and they will be honoured in ways which are unimaginable by anyone from among mankind. Therefore, rely on Me.

I shall honour those who go to his (Husain's) grave because those who go to his Ziyarah have come to your Ziyarah, and those who come to your Ziyarah have come to my Ziyarah, and I will surely honour those who come to My Ziyarah.

I will fulfill all of their requests and reward them in such a way that everyone will envy them when they see how I dignify them and the honour which I have prepared for them.

As for your daughter, I will make her stand next to My Throne and she shall be told, "Verily Allah has appointed you as the ruler over His creation. Therefore, rule however you want regarding those who oppressed you and your children, for your ruling will be executed."

So she will come to the courtyard (where the judgement will take place) and she will order those who oppressed her to be taken to Hell. 

Then the oppressor shall say, "Alas, woe to me for what I neglected toward Allah" (39:56) and he will wish to return to life. "The oppressor shall bite his hands saying: 'Would that I had taken the Path with the Messenger. Woe to me! Would that I had not taken so-and-so as my friend!" (25:27-28). And "until when he comes to Us he will say: 'Would that there was a distance of two easts between you and me, you are an evil companion.' It will not profit [them] on this day because [they] have oppressed, and [they] will be partners in chastisement" (43:38-39)

The oppressor shall say, "You alone shall judge between Your servants concerning that wherein they have differed' (39:46) or is the judge someone else?"

They will be told, "The curse of Allah be on the oppressors who hinder (people) from the path of Allah and seek to make it crooked, and disbelieve in the Hereafter" (7:44-45)."

The Imam continued: "The first judgement will be between Muhsin ibn 'Ali and his killer--referring to the second usurper. Then he will be brought forth along with Qundufh [the slave of 'Umar] and they will be lashed with whips of fire. The whips will be such that if one of them hits the oceans, all of the oceans will boil from the east to the west and if (even one whip) touches the mountains, they will all melt and turn to ash. 

Then the Commander of the Believers will kneel in front of Allah so that Allah judges between him and the fourth (usurper) -- referring to Mu'awiyah. Thereafter, they (the second usurper, Qunfudh, and Mu'awiyah) will be thrown in a well (of fire) which will be covered so no one can see them and they will not be able to see anyone.

So those who followed them (in this life) will say, "O Our Lord, show us those two among the Jinn and men who had led us astray. We will trample then under our feet so that they may become of those who are the lowest" (41:29). 

Allah, the Great and Almighty, will reply, "It will not profit you on this day because you have oppressed, and you will be partners in the chastisement" (43:39). This is when they will scream in distress and call for destruction."

The Two will come to the Pool (imprisoned) by the Keepers (of Hell) and will say to the Commander of the Believers, "Forgive us, give us some water, and save us."

They will be told: "But when they shall see it near, grieved shall be the faces of those who disbelieve, and it shall be said (to them): this is what you have been calling for" (67:27) by referring to yourselves as the commanders of the believers. Return to Hell thirsty. You shall receive no drink but Hamim and Ghislin and "the intercession of the intercessors shall not avail [you]" (74:48)


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